Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award quarterfinalst!

I am thrilled to report that my novel, A Wife for Miles Bradley, has made it into the quarterfinals in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest! I entered my book in January after my best friend discovered the contest and passed the information on to me.

When I found out about the contest, the submission deadline was about two weeks hence and I had a full manuscript that needed to be edited. The contest had a 10,000 entry limit and I had no way of knowing how close they were to reaching that limit. With lots of support from friends family and fiance I buckled down and set to work on editing the 150 page manuscript; I finished with one day to spare. I threw my document into the contest, zipped out a brief pitch (which later when I could not edit it I, to my chagrin, realized contained at least two typos),  and breathed a sigh of satisfaction. Even if this contest went nowhere, it had prompted me to see to the long-neglected editing of my beloved novel and booted me back into the world of writing, a world I dearly missed.

When the 2,000 novels that would be moving into round two were announced and mine was on the list I was surprised and excited-- at least I knew my book wasn't complete rubbish! This latest round has trimmed the contestants down to 500, and when I saw my name on that list I laughed giddily and scurried downstairs to announce it to my mother like a seven-year-old who had gotten an A on her science project. Needless to say, I am pretty excited about this. It's been a great experience thus far, plus I've been learning a lot about keeping a positive confession and attitude. I give all thanks to God whose boundless love grants blessings beyond our imagining. This has been a boost in confidence to me as a writer, and gives me hope for a future in the career of my dreams.

Yet I acknowledge that without God it would all be so empty; He is the richness of my life, the fullness of my soul, and the joy of my heart. Living for Him, using the gifts he has given me, and seeing Him work in my life through seemingly impossible trials brings His love to life in me.

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." Col. 3:17
You can download an excerpt from my book on by clicking the link above. If you enjoy it feel free to write a review to help me along in the contest!
